Do not wait any longer and apply makeup that will transform you into the Snow Queen-like look. Follow the instructions below and enjoy your winter makeup.
The truth is, the Snow Queen makeup is ideal for women who have bright complexion or for those whose beauty type is winter. To clarify, winter beauty type is characterized by porcelain or olive complexion. What is more, the colour of the iris is vivid. Another characteristic feature of winter beauty type is black hair. Fairly often the hair has dark blue reflexes.
How to apply the Snow Queen makeup?
Prepare the appropriate cosmetics. What does that mean ‘appropriate’? You should reach for a foundation that is one shade brighter than your complexion and a powder (most preferably a luminising one). Eyeshadows should contain sparkling particles. You can coat your eyelids with nude, pearl, cream, white, silver or pale pink colours. Use a luminising blusher and a lipgloss of either a nude shade or a transparent one.
Begin your Snow Queen makeup from cleansing and moisturizing your face. You can apply the foundation only when a face cream gets absorbed completely. Distribute the colour cosmetic all over the face evenly. Use a sponge, a cut at angle brush or simply pat the foundation due to your fingertips. Next, apply a powder and a blusher. Eye makeup is crucial in here since this is the very element that determines the success of the final effect of your winter look. In order to make the eyeshadows hold long, apply an eyeshadow primer or a foundation first. Now, you can proceed with applying and blending the eyeshadows. Start with applying the brightest and the most glittering shade you can possibly find in your makeup bag. Put in on the inner corner of the eye. Distribute it also below the curve of eyebrows. The remaining part of the eyelid should be covered with glittering eyeshadows. It is a good idea to define the outer corner of the eye with a dark eyeshadow. Cover water line with a white eye pencil. When it comes to the eyelashes, you can coat it either with a white mascara or with a mascara that matches your complexion. Obviously, if you prefer a little bit heavier version of makeup, then make use of darker eyeshadows and a black mascara (do smoky eye using grey-shaded cosmetics). Try to sprinkle your eyelids with a glitter. Time for lips. Coat them with either a colourless or sparkling lipgloss.
There is a few rules that have to be borne in mind while applying the Snow Queen makeup. In general, winter is associated with shining icicles and scintillating snow. And this is how your makeup should look like. In other words, it should be as highlighted and luminous as it is only possible. In order to enhance the very effect, you can make use of sequins and sparkling beads that you can attach to your eyelids, eyelashes or cheeks. You can also spray your hair with a glitter hairspray. Coat your fingernails with either a white or a silver nail polish. Now, you can feel like the real Snow Queen.