Your Eyelashes Before and After:
I have never noticed my eyelashes being in a miserable condition. But, on the other hand, I would not also consider them as beautiful. In fact, these were dark and dense but short. I would be satisfied, if they grew longer. I am glad, that the opportunity of the eyelash serum testing opened up because there was this family festivity and I had to look gorgeous. Probably, I started to apply the eyelash conditioner too late because it started working the next day the festivity ended. It is a pity, that the eyelash serum brought effects after the event. My lashes got a little bit longer but did not become darker since it would be hard to make my lashes darker, I guess. What is more, these did not become denser because my eyelids lacked space for new lashes, I suppose. I do not know, this is my guess. Additionally, the results were not the ones I was waiting for.
LashP7 eyelash serum treatment lasts more than six months. You have to apply the product with the aid of a brush. This procedure starts every evening, most preferably, after makeup removal and before patting in an under eye cream. I was distributing LashP7 eyelash serum on my upper and lower eyelids, right on eyelash base. If it is too difficult for someone to use such an applicator, better resign from the eyelash serum treatment. If it happens, that the product reaches the eyes, there is no other outcome but irritation. Fortunately, I did not experience any. I can spare some guidance for people who are not acquainted with this kind of brushes, or eyeliners since these are alike. Support your elbow against a table and the hand against cheek. Then, the application will become way easier and nobody will put the applicator into the eye, for sure.
Overall Assessment:
Why do those eyelash serums cost so much? For the same price I could buy not only more packages of other eyelash serums, but also these other eyelash serums would work way better than the one I was testing. The only advantage of the product is that it did not cause any allergic reactions to my eyes. Maybe, I can mention some drawbacks. Generally speaking, Lash P7 eyelash serum failed in extending lashes the way I expected. I am not satisfied with 3 millimetres extension, really. What is more, I noticed neither density nor nourishment improvement. Finally, the eyelash serum does not influence positively eyelids but I have heard that other eyelash serums can do that.